Bald Face Public School

Strive to Excel

Telephone02 9546 1565

75th Anniversary Fair Program

Welcome to our 75th Anniversary Fair.

Please use the information below to help navigate our fair. If you need additional help, please visit the kiosk outside the junior toilets (near the BBQ).

Our Fair is open from 10am - 4pm. We do ask that you leave promptly at 4pm so cars can drive on the school grounds from 4:15pm onwards.

Some staff and members of our community are taking photos today. Please let the photographer know if you do not want your picture taken. These photos may be used for school advertising.

Please feel free to leave us feedback at the end of the fair.

Use the map below to see an overview of all the places at our fair. A few key locations you should know about include:

  • First Aid can be found in the library, which is in the Southwest corner of the school (left-hand corner when facing the stage).
  • Toilets: Children should use the Junior Toilets on the North side of the school near the driveway (fire/police vehicles). Adults and accessible toilets are located at the Senior Toilets on the South side of the school, close to the grass area.
  • Most items, including ride tokens/wrist bands, BBQ items, Lego and petting zoo entry, plaques, etc... can be purchased at the Kiosk. The Kiosk is in front of the Junior Toilets on the North side of the school near the driveway   (fire/police vehicles).

Time Program
10:00am Olivia Styles, BFPS Junior Dance & The Music Space Students
10:30am Salvation Army Band
11:30am KO Dance Academy
12:00pm BFPS Band, BFPS Singers
12:20pm Teresa Polias (Sydney FC) Q&A with Frankie M
12:30pm Peter’s Rock School Drumming Ensemble
1:00pm Auction, BFPS Intermediate Dance & BFPS Solos: Lily J, Olivia Y, Sienna L, Oscar K
1:30pm Riverwood Hornets Band
2:00pm Irish Connection Band
2:30pm Latin Motion Salsa Dancing
3:00pm Raffle Draw, BFPS Senior Dance, BFPS Drum Club & BFPS Ukulele Club
3:30pm Movement Nation Dance

All BFPS stalls will have signage posting prices. However, the following items can be purchased at the Kiosk and some other stalls.

  • Unlimited Ride Wrist Band: $60
  • Single Ride Token: $10
  • Tote Bag: $20
  • Commemorative Plaque: $50
  • Lego Room (30mins): $10
  • Petting Zoo (15mins): $5
  • Raffle Tickets: $5 each of 5 for $20 (Games of Chance stall only)
  • Donations: Any amount of cash or EFTPOS
  • BBQ & Drinks: Vary prices from Kiosk using cash or EFTPOS (BBQ Stall EFTPOS Only)

In the event of an evacuation, a siren will be sounded over the school sound system. Please leave the school grounds in a calm manner and walk south, meeting at Blakehurst Anglican Church on the next street corner.

Staff will ensure that all signed-in volunteers and stallholders are accounted for. If you are aware of someone missing, please contact a staff member wearing high vis and we will communicate this with emergency personnel.

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